We all… and I do mean we ALL go through seasons. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” I won’t pretend to know what it’s like to be retirement age and find out you get to raise a second set of children. I will say that up until losing both parents last summer, I had been their non-medical care takers for at least 10 years. I was raising my own children and caring for two horribly ill parents. I do understand extremely difficult seasons.
I want to encourage you all in the fact that the season you find yourself in today did not catch God off guard. You might feel similarly to how I did when feeling like I was missing out on so much with my kids because I was so overwhelmed with my parents. That could look like you being sad about missing out on true retirement that you worked so hard for. You may feel sorrow, regret, and even resentment! It’s ok to admit that because guess what??? YOU ARE HUMAN!!
Some of you have not been raising your grandkids as long as some others so this season might feel chaotic and relentless. Those who have been doing it awhile might feel exhausted and in desperate need of rest. No matter where you are in this journey, please remember that You can do ALL things according to Christ who strengthens you! Philippians 4:13.
As seasons come and seasons go,
Life is forever changing this much I know.
So many new things always coming my way,
The exact dreams I once dreamt were not meant to stay
Life looks so different as I look around,
Toys all over the place and laundry in a mound.
Places to go and so many things to buy.
An endless well of emotions and so often I cry.
NOTHING goes unnoticed by our Father above.
His arms are extended to wrap you in His love.
Your dreams are not gone, they have expanded you see,
God’s grace is sufficient please take it from me.
Your latter years will be a testimony it’s true,
Your grandkids are walking love letters from you!
They are healing, growing and learning as they should,
Because of you sweet grandparents doing what you could!
Sure, you are tired and doing your very best,
Do all that you can and give God the rest!